Saturday, March 27, 2010
BlackMagic is done with the help of Jinn’s or Demons or Ghosts, there could be multiple Jinns involved in the process, that are sent by the magician to trouble and cause loss to the victim. The target could be a man, his family, his livestock, his business, his wealth, his health, his relationship with mother or wife…etc.
Using magic to break magic or to visit fortunetellers and magicians is considered a major sin and is forbidden in Islam. To deal with them in Islam one should only use the Quranic verses and Lawful Supplications, and this is only the best and the most effective treatment against cases of Black-Magic, Possession or Evil Eye.
Black magic is condemned and declared as unlawful and as a major sin in Islam, the Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever blows on knots practices magic, and whoever practices magic is a 'mushrik' (polytheist)
Using magic to break magic or to visit fortunetellers and magicians is considered a major sin and is forbidden in Islam. To deal with them in Islam one should only use the Quranic verses and Lawful Supplications, and this is only the best and the most effective treatment against cases of Black-Magic, Possession or Evil Eye.
Black magic is condemned and declared as unlawful and as a major sin in Islam, the Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever blows on knots practices magic, and whoever practices magic is a 'mushrik' (polytheist)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Nowadays, the using of black magic with the growing even includes various types of black magic. Black magic normally influenced by evil purpose of an individual for revenge to their enemies. Today, the practicing of black magic cannot to believe for the goodness but in fact it is mostly give the bad effect to peoples. The Practicing of black magic have seen can give more badness than goodness to the practitioners and to the victims. The most activities in black magic used for the purposes of evil and shameful. Practitioners instead of using black magic to protect themselves, but use it only to bring down others because of retaliation and so forth.
Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career or business, wealth and prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions or phobias, adversely affecting children and family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence and happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest and abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances. Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the sinister situation one is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life. The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. Black Magic starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person's mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life.
There are many effects that clearly described from individuals affected by black magic person. Can be concluded here that, black magic is also very dangerous and can also be used as a weapon to hurt others. The effects of black magic is very dangerous to those who are infected because most victims infected with black magic is difficult to be cured despite efforts to cure at various hospitals and by using various modern treatment. This is because the disease that infected the victim of black magic is difficult to be identified because it involves the internal disease by spirits, jinn and evil spirit. There are many effects that can be seen when a person is infected or affected by black magic spell. The effect is clearly seen mostly involves a decrease in health status significantly. Disease for victims affected by black magic spell will not be detected by any modern medical doctor.
As noted, modern and sophisticated equipment cannot detect the cause of diseases suffered by the victim as the cause of this disease has been seen to shift to disruptions of feelings, mental, emotional and sometimes it involves physical victim. There are also cases where modern medicine can detect the disease causes affected knowledge of black magic. According to several examples of cases that never happened, the act of black magic can be detected by the doctor with several types of evidence such as needles, nails, glass and other sharp objects in the patient's body. This problem can be identified that these things happen because someone was using black magic such as ‘santau’ to overthrow the victim. The Victims who was affected by artificial black magic is understood to cause deaths due to the effects of significant health status of the victim. The victim will suffer a variety of diseases such as prolonged cough, sometimes bloody cough and purulent discharge with a small dust-like powder, glass cleaner, experiencing weakness and headache that anything lasting.
Beside, the use of black magic is usually practiced by most evil person can be seen in one type of knowledge known as the black (santau). Santau is one who practices black magic done by most individuals in Malaysia. There are early signs of a victim who was infected or artificially infected (santau). As already stated, the signs are clearly visible from the changes that have occurred with his physical health and a victim (santau). Someone who is infected (santau) can understand that died with the permission of Allah. In terms of emotion, someone who is infected by artificial black magic will change the attitudes of origin will be quickly changed to anger and temper.
In addition, victims are also likely to be experiencing emotional disruptions and loss of memory easily. Beside, the physical effects also can be seen that the victim will suffer a variety of diseases such as skin and hair all experienced miscarriage and feathers around the body.
Effects of black magic can also be seen against in a family life. This can be explained that the use of black magic is also used by individuals who use it seeks to overthrow a family that is not liked. An individual who practices black magic is understood to be conducting illegal activities solely to bring down a family who disliked either because of retaliation and so forth. A family which was affected by black magic is said to be more problems and unmanageable. This occurs when one of the families affected by knowledge of black magic performed by individuals who keep revenge against him. Black magic will completely damage the family only because of revenge by someone.
Apart from the physical effects of black magic against someone, this effect is also clearly seen to influence the emotions of an individual affected by black magic spell. Victims affected by black magic will experience disruptions of internal emotions and behavior of individuals. So that it can cause the victim to be insane because of an infected black magic spell will experience disruptions such as hallucinations and voice calls that they always heard.
As a conclusion, epilepsy and other pains are among the effects of magic. A magician may use Jinn to harm some people, bring some news and Divine Decrees that they eavesdrop from the heavens. Such a work is completely illegal, since God has threatened doers to be among the inhabitants of the Hell. In the same time, it is illegal to use Jinn to help people get benefit or harm, since such a work is a form of taking satisfaction in one another, which is prohibited in the Koran. God has directed us to follow the best way and as a treatment to get cured has been completely stated in the Koran.
Nowadays, the using of black magic with the growing even includes various types of black magic. Black magic normally influenced by evil purpose of an individual for revenge to their enemies. Today, the practicing of black magic cannot to believe for the goodness but in fact it is mostly give the bad effect to peoples. The Practicing of black magic have seen can give more badness than goodness to the practitioners and to the victims. The most activities in black magic used for the purposes of evil and shameful. Practitioners instead of using black magic to protect themselves, but use it only to bring down others because of retaliation and so forth.
Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career or business, wealth and prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions or phobias, adversely affecting children and family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence and happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest and abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances. Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the sinister situation one is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life. The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. Black Magic starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person's mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life.
There are many effects that clearly described from individuals affected by black magic person. Can be concluded here that, black magic is also very dangerous and can also be used as a weapon to hurt others. The effects of black magic is very dangerous to those who are infected because most victims infected with black magic is difficult to be cured despite efforts to cure at various hospitals and by using various modern treatment. This is because the disease that infected the victim of black magic is difficult to be identified because it involves the internal disease by spirits, jinn and evil spirit. There are many effects that can be seen when a person is infected or affected by black magic spell. The effect is clearly seen mostly involves a decrease in health status significantly. Disease for victims affected by black magic spell will not be detected by any modern medical doctor.
As noted, modern and sophisticated equipment cannot detect the cause of diseases suffered by the victim as the cause of this disease has been seen to shift to disruptions of feelings, mental, emotional and sometimes it involves physical victim. There are also cases where modern medicine can detect the disease causes affected knowledge of black magic. According to several examples of cases that never happened, the act of black magic can be detected by the doctor with several types of evidence such as needles, nails, glass and other sharp objects in the patient's body. This problem can be identified that these things happen because someone was using black magic such as ‘santau’ to overthrow the victim. The Victims who was affected by artificial black magic is understood to cause deaths due to the effects of significant health status of the victim. The victim will suffer a variety of diseases such as prolonged cough, sometimes bloody cough and purulent discharge with a small dust-like powder, glass cleaner, experiencing weakness and headache that anything lasting.
Beside, the use of black magic is usually practiced by most evil person can be seen in one type of knowledge known as the black (santau). Santau is one who practices black magic done by most individuals in Malaysia. There are early signs of a victim who was infected or artificially infected (santau). As already stated, the signs are clearly visible from the changes that have occurred with his physical health and a victim (santau). Someone who is infected (santau) can understand that died with the permission of Allah. In terms of emotion, someone who is infected by artificial black magic will change the attitudes of origin will be quickly changed to anger and temper.
In addition, victims are also likely to be experiencing emotional disruptions and loss of memory easily. Beside, the physical effects also can be seen that the victim will suffer a variety of diseases such as skin and hair all experienced miscarriage and feathers around the body.
Effects of black magic can also be seen against in a family life. This can be explained that the use of black magic is also used by individuals who use it seeks to overthrow a family that is not liked. An individual who practices black magic is understood to be conducting illegal activities solely to bring down a family who disliked either because of retaliation and so forth. A family which was affected by black magic is said to be more problems and unmanageable. This occurs when one of the families affected by knowledge of black magic performed by individuals who keep revenge against him. Black magic will completely damage the family only because of revenge by someone.
Apart from the physical effects of black magic against someone, this effect is also clearly seen to influence the emotions of an individual affected by black magic spell. Victims affected by black magic will experience disruptions of internal emotions and behavior of individuals. So that it can cause the victim to be insane because of an infected black magic spell will experience disruptions such as hallucinations and voice calls that they always heard.
As a conclusion, epilepsy and other pains are among the effects of magic. A magician may use Jinn to harm some people, bring some news and Divine Decrees that they eavesdrop from the heavens. Such a work is completely illegal, since God has threatened doers to be among the inhabitants of the Hell. In the same time, it is illegal to use Jinn to help people get benefit or harm, since such a work is a form of taking satisfaction in one another, which is prohibited in the Koran. God has directed us to follow the best way and as a treatment to get cured has been completely stated in the Koran.
What are the reasons for using black magic?
Black magic has been practicing since human live in this world. The using of black magic completely use to bad purposes. However, the reason for the use of black magic is mostly used to malicious. Black magic is often used for revenge or to commit treachery against someone. Black magic is also used by practitioners of envy or jealousy of a person. In this black magic, practitioners of black magic that can fell prey or dropped. On the other hand, black magic also used to win the women or men for personal interest. Black magic is usually also used to get a right couple and to get money from someone who has been the victim.
On the other hand, black magic is also used to scrape or seduce men or women. Beside, black magic is also used to get the lottery number; someone will be using black magic by using worship. In this way, they believe that they will obtain the correct lottery number. In the modern era, celebrities also using black magic to achieve all of their dreams. They use black magic mainly for personal interest in the aspects of beauty.
They will wear a pin in the face for beauty and for a melodious voice. Celebrities also use the talisman to gain popularity and support from their fans. In black magic as well, they will get full fan support. Knowadays, the program of reality entertainment program so well-received from supporters. In order to get votes from the short message system (SMS), the celebrities are willing to use black magic to reach the high voting.
Black magic is also used by celebrities for selling albums and songs. Sellers believe that through the use of black magic, they will be able to popularize the results and subsequent sales can attract buyers to food, beverages, merchandise and others. Black magic is not only used as “pelaris” but they also used to bring down an enemy in field of business. They use black magic to the reason for dropping the next competitor in the business and attract customers. “Pelaris” is usually placed in a mixture of food and drink their customers. Normally, the tool of black magic contains talisman or liquid form.
On the other hand, the using of black magic is to pass in examination. This group believes that through the use of black magic, they will receive test results or test a good. Beside, the using of black magic is intended to subdue husband or wife. They will be using black magic to vanquish their spouse in household life. If the wife is using black magic to subdue her husband, then their husbands will listen and follow all instructions wife. Life of their husbands will be controlled in terms of pure. Husband always confined by his wife until she can not go to work and be as stupid cattle injected nose. On the others hand, black magic is also used as grounds for its use to restrict or prevent the husband from finding another woman. For husbands, the use of black magic is also the same reason used by the wife. Husband or wife will be subjected to use ‘nasi kangkang’ to destroy each partner.
The next reason, black magic is also used as ground by a person to use the aspect strength. They believe that by learning and using the knowledge they will acquire black strength such as hidden, powerful, no enemy can be defeated, not easily fall ill and others. On the other hand, black magic is also used as a tool for stimulating especially in aspects of sex. Practice black magic is believed by them that will be able to strengthen the resilience of sex. They also believe that black magic will be able to force the stimulus pairs respectively. The next reason is thus the use of black magic for “pukau”. Black magic is used to spectacular victims such as the theft or robbery.
On the other hand, black magic can also be made knowledge of the direction over throw his enemies. In black magic, they believe that the future person will be seen. Black magic is considered as knowledge see fate. On the other hand, black magic is used by a person for purposes of tanks or strong. In practice black magic, they will feel it self strong and resistant that can not be defeated by his enemies. Application date and practice of knowledge that will cause a person does not become resistant, for example shot and stabbed to death. If the quarrel or fight, they believe that black magic will be killed to save.
The last reason is the intended use of black magic to medicine. Black magic is considered as knowledge that can be used in the cure of a disease. Use spell will be done to heal a disease. As conclusion, the use of black magic is more to the dangers against the benefits. Black magic can be regarded as knowledge that contrary to Islam
Black magic has been practicing since human live in this world. The using of black magic completely use to bad purposes. However, the reason for the use of black magic is mostly used to malicious. Black magic is often used for revenge or to commit treachery against someone. Black magic is also used by practitioners of envy or jealousy of a person. In this black magic, practitioners of black magic that can fell prey or dropped. On the other hand, black magic also used to win the women or men for personal interest. Black magic is usually also used to get a right couple and to get money from someone who has been the victim.
On the other hand, black magic is also used to scrape or seduce men or women. Beside, black magic is also used to get the lottery number; someone will be using black magic by using worship. In this way, they believe that they will obtain the correct lottery number. In the modern era, celebrities also using black magic to achieve all of their dreams. They use black magic mainly for personal interest in the aspects of beauty.
They will wear a pin in the face for beauty and for a melodious voice. Celebrities also use the talisman to gain popularity and support from their fans. In black magic as well, they will get full fan support. Knowadays, the program of reality entertainment program so well-received from supporters. In order to get votes from the short message system (SMS), the celebrities are willing to use black magic to reach the high voting.
Black magic is also used by celebrities for selling albums and songs. Sellers believe that through the use of black magic, they will be able to popularize the results and subsequent sales can attract buyers to food, beverages, merchandise and others. Black magic is not only used as “pelaris” but they also used to bring down an enemy in field of business. They use black magic to the reason for dropping the next competitor in the business and attract customers. “Pelaris” is usually placed in a mixture of food and drink their customers. Normally, the tool of black magic contains talisman or liquid form.
On the other hand, the using of black magic is to pass in examination. This group believes that through the use of black magic, they will receive test results or test a good. Beside, the using of black magic is intended to subdue husband or wife. They will be using black magic to vanquish their spouse in household life. If the wife is using black magic to subdue her husband, then their husbands will listen and follow all instructions wife. Life of their husbands will be controlled in terms of pure. Husband always confined by his wife until she can not go to work and be as stupid cattle injected nose. On the others hand, black magic is also used as grounds for its use to restrict or prevent the husband from finding another woman. For husbands, the use of black magic is also the same reason used by the wife. Husband or wife will be subjected to use ‘nasi kangkang’ to destroy each partner.
The next reason, black magic is also used as ground by a person to use the aspect strength. They believe that by learning and using the knowledge they will acquire black strength such as hidden, powerful, no enemy can be defeated, not easily fall ill and others. On the other hand, black magic is also used as a tool for stimulating especially in aspects of sex. Practice black magic is believed by them that will be able to strengthen the resilience of sex. They also believe that black magic will be able to force the stimulus pairs respectively. The next reason is thus the use of black magic for “pukau”. Black magic is used to spectacular victims such as the theft or robbery.
On the other hand, black magic can also be made knowledge of the direction over throw his enemies. In black magic, they believe that the future person will be seen. Black magic is considered as knowledge see fate. On the other hand, black magic is used by a person for purposes of tanks or strong. In practice black magic, they will feel it self strong and resistant that can not be defeated by his enemies. Application date and practice of knowledge that will cause a person does not become resistant, for example shot and stabbed to death. If the quarrel or fight, they believe that black magic will be killed to save.
The last reason is the intended use of black magic to medicine. Black magic is considered as knowledge that can be used in the cure of a disease. Use spell will be done to heal a disease. As conclusion, the use of black magic is more to the dangers against the benefits. Black magic can be regarded as knowledge that contrary to Islam
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What are the effects of practicing black magic?
Among the bad effects preserving perennial was the owner will face a very difficult grasp when they want to die because the spirit is difficult to get out of the body causing them to find the tormented death. In addition, there are also cases where the owner has died perennial owned but still refused to leave his master. Circumstances that led to the perennial 'ride' on his body until the owner perennial that seemed alive and moving, even though he had actually died. In addition, more worrying is that the jinn can be also corrupts the dignity of the family owners hold intercourse with his wife or daughter. Perennial also cause a person harassment suffered a mysterious disease that is increasingly become perennial torment.the problems interference-so when the owner died without cause have time to bequeath the perennial swing will be Jin and disrupt and hurt family members and others.
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